
Archive for the ‘Lesson for Today’ Category

We have been studying the names of God on Sunday morning during worship.  This past Sunday morning, one of the dear brothers in our congregation died. He worshiped with the Savior on the Lord’s day!    His wife also has cancer. They were hoping to take a short trip in April.   Please pray for her and the family.

One of the scriptures that the preacher lead us to was 2 Chronicles 16:12-13.  “And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa became diseased in his feet.  His disease was severe, yet even in his disease he did not seek the LORD (Yahweh Rophe) but the physicians. So Asa slept with his fathers, having died in the forty-first year of his reign.”

When we or a loved one becomes ill, whether it be in mind, body, or soul, to whom do we turn to first?  Are we like in Matthew 6:33, seeking the kingdom of our dear Lord and His righteousness first?  This is a decision we all must make every moment of our lives.

When the answer to our request of the Great Physician, Yahweh Rophe, is no, then we must accept the will of the One who made us.  If we are trying to live in the will of our Father, then we must understand we are dependent on His provision.

“Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow, we shall go to such and such a city, and spend a year thee and engage in business and make a profit.” Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.  you are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.  Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and also do this or that.”  But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil.  Therefore, “to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4: 13-17)

We are not insignificant to our Creator.  He knows our needs and I have to believe He is sad when we do not seek Him first before His created beings.  God gave man great abilities to do great things.  With all that man can do, we are still unable to heal as God can heal.

Before we left worship this past Sunday morning, the brother of the man whom had died read Psalm 33: 12-22.  I will leave you with this passage as well.  Remember…..”But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you”. (Matthew 6:33)

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.  The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men; From His dwelling place He looks out on the inhabitants of the earth, He who fashions the hearts of them all, He who understands all their works.  The king is not saved by a mighty army;  A warrior is not delivered by great strength.  A horse is a false hope for victory; Nor does it deliver anyone by its great strength.  Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on those who hope for His lovingkindness,  to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.  Our soul waits for the LORD;  He is our help and our shield, For our heart rejoices in Him, because we trust in His holy name.  Let Thy lovingkindness, O LORD, be upon us,  according as we have hoped in Thee.”

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Lately I have been trying to learn new skills, such as saving seeds, preserving food without canning, etc.  I grew up on a farm where we canned our vegetables and butchered our chickens and hogs.  These skills have not been used in a LONG TIME!!

My sweet husband purchased a water-bath canner, jars, and the standard Blue Ball canning book to help me re-investigate the lost art of preserving food. He had purchased a case of apricots, hence the need to learn how to preserve this great gift!

I am finding there are a lot of others learning or brushing up on skills that have grown cold.  “Getting back to the land” so to speak.  It is a growing community that are learning to lean on one another in these tough economic times.

There is a new website I just discovered that has a great amount of information that I hope you will check out.  It is called Food Storage and Survival. http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/ Right now they are having a huge giveaway of products we are familiar with.  Besides the giveaway, there is a terrific amount of lessons that one can learn from.

Another great tool that we are learning to use is a dehydrator.  It has been fun!  So far we have made “cranberry muffins” and they disappear like they were cookies!  The whole family is looking forward to what the next experiment might be.

Prudence is a word I have been studying and this word fits into my thoughts for today. Being “prudent” is a skill we ALL need to learn!  Two verses of Scripture that I would like to leave you with today are:

Proverbs 19:14 House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the LORD.
1Timothy 3:2 An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,

God bless you in the adventure of learning new skills!

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Beloved by all who knew her!

Dearest Reader,

As the seasons are changing once again around us from summer to fall, there was another change in our lives this past week.  Our beloved Grandmother went home to be with God. 

She loved the seasons that God gave us to enjoy on this earth and always prepared for them accordingly.  There was one change she was always preparing herself for…Heaven!  Grandma was a great example of not living for this world.  While I was growing up, I recall the many times I stayed the night with her.  She ALWAYS read her Bible before going to sleep.    We spent time discussing God and his Word.  She taught us as she went about her daily duties, cooking, sewing, working, etc. 

Grandma was still trying to memorize and put God’s Word on her heart at 93 years old.  When we spoke, she would ask, “How is the memorization coming?”  I would know that she would be referring to our own memorization of God’s Word.  Her Bibles were well-worn and “marked up”!  Very rarely did she miss her time spent with sisters and brothers of the church.

Running around with Grandma was fun!  We would go visit her friends, take food to those in need and she always had time to listen.  I know I talked her ear off!!! 🙂  She was a faithful friend and trustworthy.  If she said she was going to do something she did it!  After my Papa passed away (38 years ago), we would take her with us on vacations with our family.  She always added a new dynamic to the trip.

I could go on and on about all the wonderful memories we have of our beloved Grandma, but there is simply not enough room!  Let me leave you with thoughts that were impressed upon me at a young age:

Psalms 90:12     So teach [us] to number our days, that we may apply [our] hearts unto wisdom.

Ecclesiastes 7: 1    A good name [is] better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.

Psalms 116: 15    Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints.

May you EAGERLY seek the things not of THIS world, but things ETERNAL!  God bless you as you seek HIS face!


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I have been feeling “lost” and uncertain of things lately.  The LORD and a few good friends have pointed out to me that it is just the “seasons” changing!  Have you read Ecclesiastes lately?  It has much to say about time and the changing of events.

Oh, there have been many changes of seasons thus far, but I guess I was too busy to really notice the “seasons” changing.  They were there all the time as they have been for other women who have gone before me.

Our two sons are approaching the end of their high school career.  With 27 College CLEP credits under their belts, they are well on their way to being college graduates as well!

Now a new and exciting season is approaching!!  I told my dear husband (Mr. Steady) that this new season has me concerned.  My sons are not needing me in the same way they used to. I want to be productive and not “waste” my time when they have “moved on”.   I don’t know if you have ever said it, but I stated, “You (Phillip) will still have your jobs, I am being “let-go” of my main job. What shall I do?”  He said, “Don’t worry, I will find you plenty to do!”  He takes such good care of me!

A friend told me to make a list of all the things I wanted to do or learn when I wished I had time.  Problem is…I can’t remember them! Isn’t that funny?!  Life has been full and I don’t regret being at home teaching my children and caring for my husband.  I love working with Phillip and look forward to helping him full time.  Visiting widows and helping the body of Christ has ALWAYS been a passion.

Time has passed so quickly and although I knew this time would come, as it should, it is still difficult.  With the Master’s hand to guide me and my a loving husband, I KNOW I will find PLENTY to do!

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In the uncertain times and events we are experiencing, people everywhere (even in the church) are looking for security and answers to their fears. I myself have found myself caught up in the discussions and fretting.  Then I remembered Psalm 143.  It gives me great comfort when I have gotten away from listening to the LORD’s instructions, “Teach me to do Thy will”  when I begin living “of this world” and not “in Christ”.

Have you ever thought how one can “abide” with Christ?  This question is dearer to me everyday as I begin to “renew my mind” (Romans 12:1-2) and “gird my mind for action” (I Peter 1:13-21). 

” To abide” is the greek root “μένω menō”.  It is a verb

The passage we are familiar with is John 15: 1-11, Jesus states, “I AM the true vine, and MY Father is the vinedresser.”  Jesus makes application of how we are to “abide” in Him. Ultimately, His joy will be in us and that our joy will be made full!

Other words that have the same root meaning as “abide” (menō) are “remain”, “dwell”, “continue”, “tarry”, “endure”.  The greek root word “menō” occurs over 120 times in the King James Version.

When I read John 15: 1-11, verse 9 “…abide in My love” also led me to a warning in John 3:35-36.  “The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand.  He who believes in the Son has eternal lie; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”  The “…wrath of God abides on him.”???  I DO NOT want the “wrath of God to abide”  on me!!!

John 3:35-36 led me to Hebrews 3:18-19, “And to whom did He swear that they should not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient?  And so we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.”  Are we being disobedient to God in anything? “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)  Entering God’s rest is where every Christian should desire to be.  We could all learn a lesson from 1 Samuel 15.  Saul disobeyed God and the LORD tore from him the kingdom of Israel (I Samuel 15: 20, 28).  Samuel told Saul, “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,”.  Saul failed to continue to abide with God.  Are we “sacrificing” or better yet, “obeying” God?

How can we abide in Christ?  By staying in the teachings of Christ.   II John 9 “Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son.”  If we abide in Christ’s teachings, we will abide with the Son. 

I John is all about Fellowship with God.  John is trying to encourage the believers to hold fast to the apostolic doctrine, assuring them of God’s indwelling through our abiding in Him. I John 2:24-29 we can have joy and confidence of our eternal reward, “And this is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life.” verse 25.   Isn’t that wonderful?!  We have been promised personally by God!  This should bring us much comfort and joy!

Take a good look…and ask, “Am I abiding in Christ?”  If not, why?  Please won’t you consider the promise made by God and put your trust in Him? 

Psalm 56:3-4, “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in Thee.  In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can mere man do to me?”

Psalm 91:1, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” 


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Over the past month, our family has had to “let go” of three love ones. While contemplating their departure from this earth, I am comforted by the fact that this is not the end of life for a Christian.

Ecclesiates 7:1 states, “A good name is better than a good ointment, And the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth.”

Death IS better, if we have been abiding in the LORD, for it is He we will be spend eternity with. We will be with our Creator and Savior!!!

My sadness comes from having to be separated while here on earth, no more daily conversations, sending of cards, visiting on the lawn under a shade tree, or meals shared together. Now our thoughts turn to when we get to see them again! For ETERNITY!

I know there are many others hurting from “letting go”. One dear woman in our congregation has parted with her husband, son, and one daughter in less than a year’s time.

Two of my favorite hymns are “Abide with Me” and “Does Jesus Care?”. I will paste the words below.

Next time, we will look more at what the Bible has to say about “abiding” in the LORD.

Blessings to all
Abide With Me Hymn
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word;
But as Thou dwell’st with Thy disciples, Lord,
Familiar, condescending, patient, free.
Come not to sojourn, but abide with me.

Come not in terrors, as the King of kings,
But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings,
Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea—
Come, Friend of sinners, and thus bide with me.

Thou on my head in early youth didst smile;
And, though rebellious and perverse meanwhile,
Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee,
On to the close, O Lord, abide with me.

I need Thy presence every passing hour.
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s power?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.

I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
Does Jesus Care?
Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
Too deeply for mirth or song,
As the burdens press, and the cares distress
And the way grows weary and long?


Oh yes, He cares, I know He cares,
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares.

Does Jesus care when my way is dark
With a nameless dread and fear?
As the daylight fades into deep night shades,
Does He care enough to be near?


Does Jesus care when I’ve tried and failed
To resist some temptation strong;
When for my deep grief there is no relief,
Though my tears flow all the night long?


Does Jesus care when I’ve said ‘goodbye’
To the dearest on earth to me,
And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks,
Is it aught to Him? Does He see?


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Oh, you will LOVE the crackers we made!  The men in the family sure did.  The whole recipe was gone in just a matter of a couple of days!  They never made it to the meal they were intended for!

I am writing the author to gain permission to share this recipe with you.  You will certainly want to try it.  Having a food processor did help the process to be quicker, but you would be able to make it without one.

Kefer soda….lets just say…it tasted like a flat creme soda.  The same men who loved the crackers were not real crazy about the kefir soda.  We will try that one again another day.

Beet kvass….It is a learning process.  It did not turn out as hoped for either, but I am not detered!  We will try this one again and not cut the beets too small.  I found out this may have been the downfall of my outcome.

Still learning….

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There is so much to be thankful for today!

* Warm, safe, dry place to sleep last night.

* All the family is together.

* Everyone is healthy.

* There is plenty to eat.

* We have nice clothes to wear.

* Our vehicles work properly and get us where we need and want to go.

* Enjoy the freedom to worship God and learn at home.

Give thanks to God for your blessings!!!  Psalm 40

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Have you ever made your own crackers?  I took my first attempt today!  Since I don’t have a dehydrator, the “product” is in the oven drying.  It is going to take a many hours to dry the crackers and they are only 1/16 inches thick.

Yesterday, I tried my hand at making kefir soda (cream soda flavored) and whey.  After letting the raw milk sit on the cabinet for about 5 days, I strained off the liquid.  The end products were cream cheese and whey.  FUN!!! 

I decided to try and make whey after researching how food has been preserved.  Whey was a major ingredient to things that were fermented and preserved without canning.

Beet Kvass is the first item on the list to make with the whey.  It is fermented drink made from water, whey and chopped beets.  It is good for many things, but the main reason I want to try it is for kidney stone problems.  It will take several days, so I will let you know the outcome when it is done.

Try something new….keep learning!

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After many months, I have completed a study in the book of Job.  It is a long and difficult book to study through.  So many lessons to be learned!!  I learned we will not always receive answers from God regarding the events in our life, but we are to remain faithful. Our God is a powerful and righteous God…He is FAITHFUL to all HIS own.

Tonight I am attending a girls Bible class and the topic they are covering tonight, just so happens to be one I have been studying next!  1 Timothy 2:9-15 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, women’s behavior in the church assembly.  It will take me a while to get through all the dictionaries and reference books available covering the words found in the scriptures.

We must never take for granted our responsibility to study God’s word for ourselves!  It will be as individuals that we will stand before our Creator and LORD.  The more we study God’s word, the more we will hunger for God’s truth.

How much time do you spend doing……?  Will it have eternal rewards? When the boys were young, sometimes the only time I was able to read my Bible was during our “couch” time.  Everyday after lunch, we would get together on the couch and read from God’s word, memorize scripture, and pray.  We then added signing a hymn.  This gave the boys time to unwind and it also trained them to sit quietly for when we attended worship or other events where “sitting still” was required.  They are young men and we still make time for “couch” time!

Be like the noble -minded Bereans….Acts 17:11

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